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5 Things You Should Know Before Getting Lip Fillers

By 2 May 2016July 24th, 2023No Comments

5 Things You Should Know Before Getting Lip Fillers

Kylie Jenner’s recently perfected pout has really put lip enhancement in the spotlight, making the procedure more popular than ever before. But as with any cosmetic procedure, it’s important to weigh up the pros and cons to decide whether it is the right choice for you. Here are five things you should consider before opting for lip injections.

What’s In Them?

At the Victorian Laser & Skin Clinic, our lip fillers contain no toxins or animal substances. What they do contain is a naturally occurring compound in your body that helps skin retain moisture, repair tissue, and hold together its collagen and elastin, making it a completely safe alternative.

Do Lip fillers Hurt?

Most cosmetic procedures will involve some level of discomfort, but we aim to minimise this during your lip injections in three ways:

  1. We use a very fine needle;
  2. We keep the treatment quick – usually about 30 minutes; and,
  3. We apply a topical anaesthetic to the treatment area.

The procedure will feel like a pinch at the start, followed by a little sting as the filler is injected.

What is the down time after lip injections?

A lip enhancement procedure requires no downtime, so you can be up and back into your daily life straight away. However, in case you experience bruising, it’s wise not to make any big plans for a few days after the procedure.

Slight bruising and bleeding at the injection site is completely normal but should fade within 5 to 7 days. You may also notice some slight redness or swelling, as well as itching and tenderness around the injection site.

How do Lip Fillers feel?

Depending on what treatment you get, your injected lips shouldn’t feel any different to ‘real’ lips – even when you’re kissing.

How Long Do Lip Injections Last?

Your new pout will not be permanent, but the results can last up to 12 months. This allows you some freedom to play with your look in the future.

For more information on lip enhancement injections and fillers, contact the Victorian Laser & Skin Clinic today.

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